3 Ways to Practice Wellness

Find a Balanced Routine and Explore a Holistic Perspective

Wellness is defined as having and practicing healthy habits daily that benefit physical, mental and emotional health. Wellness is achieved when we can effectively manage and cope with the daily stressors of life, we experience healthy relationships, and become aware of our skills, abilities and full potential. There are 8 pillars of wellness, but the top three are Emotional, Physical and Spiritual.

Let’s take a closer look…

  • Emotional Wellness is the dimension that involves the ability to love and to be loved, to feel secure, self-accepting and optimistic. The ability to cope effectively with life stressors, and to create healthy, meaningful relationships.

  • Physical Wellness is the dimension that explores and develops the physical potential and takes care of the body. It represents the ability to maintain behaviors that have an impact on our health.

  • Spiritual Wellness represents the ability to develop congruence between our values ​and actions for the realization of a life purpose, and to maintain peace and harmony in everyday life.

Find a Balanced Routine

By implementing a daily routine that includes these three areas of wellness, you will experience improvements in your physical, mental and emotional health.

  1. Emotional Wellness might include being aware of and being able to express your emotions. This might include journaling, or talking with a trusted friend, mentor, coach or counselor.

  2. Physical Wellness would include the practice of self-care, some form of exercise, as well as making healthy food choices, hydrating your body, and checking in with your health providers.

  3. Spiritual Wellness includes worship, prayer, scripture reading, and attending church. This could also include serving the community through missions or volunteer work, connecting with nature, and being optimistic.

Take a moment to reflect on these three areas of wellness in your own life. In what ways do you feel like you’re progressing, and what things are you finding the most challenging?

Assess your priorities. Are you spending time doing something that is interfering with one or all of these areas of wellness? Can you identify any changes you can begin to make?

Set an intention for yourself each day in these three areas and begin to make choices based on those 3 intentions.


Having fun is good for your health!


What is Christian Wellness Anyway?