Retreat Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


All individuals wishing to make a booking are required to carefully read and fully understand the Terms and Conditions outlined below. By making a booking with Graceful Balance, you, on behalf of yourself and all individuals named on the booking, agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. A booking is considered accepted and confirmed only when Graceful Balance sends a confirmation email and upon your completion of the deposit payment.

A member of the Graceful Balance team will contact you within 48 hours after you have submitted your registration to confirm your participation in your chosen retreat. It's important to note that the confirmation of your participation does not guarantee the retreat's confirmation to run. We kindly ask that you refrain from purchasing non-refundable travel arrangements until you receive an official email confirmation from Graceful Balance staff. To ensure the retreat can take place as planned, we must meet a minimum requirement of 6 participants.

Age Restriction: Please be aware that Graceful Balance exclusively offers retreats and related activities to women aged 18 years and over.


To secure your booking for any of our advertised retreats and dates, a non-refundable deposit per person, in addition to the submission of our online booking form, is mandatory.

You have the option to book a retreat with a deposit (down payment) up until 50 days before the retreat's start date. After this period, full payment is required to secure your spot, provided that spots are still available.

The remaining balance of your retreat payment is due 45 days prior to the retreat commencement. We will send you a notification regarding the balance due date following the processing of your deposit.

If the final balance is not received by the due date, your booking cannot be guaranteed, and Graceful Balance reserves the right to cancel your booking, resulting in the forfeiture of your deposit.

Please be aware that deposits made on all bookings are non-refundable and non-creditable due to our requirement to purchase non-refundable and non-transferable essentials, including but not limited to accommodation reservations, on your behalf, in order to secure your spot on the retreat.

In the event that you need to make changes, deposit payments can be transferred to another retreat taking place within one calendar year, provided you notify us at least 90 days before the retreat's start date.

Deposits can be paid via Venmo and are also accepted through all major credit cards. Please note that we DO NOT keep your credit card information on file. When we send an invoice, you will be required to re-enter your credit card information for payment.


At Graceful Balance, we recognize that unforeseen events can sometimes impact your plans. However, please note that due to the nature of booking retreats, all retreat payments are non-refundable. We appreciate your understanding of our policies, as they allow us to provide the best possible experience for all participants.

All retreat prices displayed are quoted per person and are payable in USD (United States Dollars).

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the price of your travel arrangement includes all the component parts as described in your booking confirmation invoice.

Please be aware that the following items are NOT included in the price of your travel arrangement: flights, transportation, travel insurance, excess baggage charges, tipping, as well as any food, beverages, or additional excursions or activities that are not confirmed as part of your retreat arrangements. Furthermore, any items or services purchased during a retreat are not included in the cost of your travel arrangement unless explicitly specified. We aim to provide you with clear and comprehensive information about the inclusions and exclusions for each retreat, ensuring transparency in our pricing.

For all our retreats, the final balance of the retreat price must be settled 45 days prior to the retreat start date, in the currency as advertised.

If you make a booking within a timeframe of less than 45 days before the retreat, we will require your deposit, along with the full payment, at the time of your initial sign-up. Please be aware that we do not accept sign-ups less than 30 days prior to the retreat start date.

To facilitate the payment process, we typically break down payments into two installments for most retreats.

In the event that the final balance is not received by the specified due date without a clear and concise reason, Graceful Balance reserves the right to consider the Client's booking as canceled.

We kindly ask that you ensure Graceful Balance is added to your contact list to prevent our emails from being filtered into your junk folder. This will help you stay informed and updated on all relevant information regarding your retreat. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our priorities.

Any cancellation by a Client must be communicated in writing, typically via email, and must be acknowledged by Graceful Balance in writing, also through email.

Please be aware that your deposit is under no circumstances refundable. Deposits are a necessary component for securing bookings.

If you decide to cancel your booking and you have made additional payments beyond the deposit, your full balance can be transferred to an alternate date of the same trip within one calendar year. In the event that your trip is not offered again, you have the option to switch locations, and fees can be transferred accordingly.

There are specific circumstances under which fees apart from the deposit can be refunded, including:

Serious injury or illness of the Client
Serious injury or illness of a close family member
In the case of a natural disaster, Graceful Balance adheres to the "act of God" rule, and no fees will be reversed.

Graceful Balance reserves the right to cancel any retreat for any reason; however, we will not cancel a retreat less than 30 days before the scheduled start date, except in cases of unusual or unforeseen circumstances that are beyond Graceful Balance's control. When a retreat is canceled by Graceful Balance before the agreed-upon departure date, and this cancellation is not due to the fault of the Client, the Client has two options:

Transfer their deposit to another retreat taking place within one calendar year, or:
Receive a full refund of all monies paid under the contract as soon as possible.

Graceful Balance will not be held responsible for any incidental expenses or consequential losses that the Client may have incurred as a result of the booking. These expenses may include costs associated with visas, vaccinations, non-refundable flights or rail tickets, non-refundable car parking fees, loss of earnings, loss of enjoyment, and more. If the Client is offered a refund but requests an alternate retreat of a higher value than the one originally booked, the Client will be required to pay the difference in price.

Please note that all Graceful Balance retreats do NOT include national or international airfare. It is essential to be aware that Graceful Balance strongly recommends waiting until the trip is confirmed to run before booking airfare or making any non-refundable travel arrangements. This precaution ensures that your travel plans align with the confirmed retreat, minimizing potential inconveniences and expenses in case of unforeseen changes. Your flexibility in this matter is greatly appreciated, and it contributes to a smoother and more enjoyable retreat experience.

During your participation in a Graceful Balance retreat, it is possible that photos or videos may be taken by fellow participants, guides, and professional photographers. These images and videos may be utilized in various Graceful Balance promotional materials, on our website, and across all social media platforms, such as Instagram, among others, unless Clients explicitly request the photographer or provide written communication to Graceful Balance, indicating their desire not to have their image used in any materials.

By default, permission is granted to Graceful Balance to use these images and videos for publicity and promotional purposes. This permission is perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, and irrevocable. Graceful Balance values your privacy and will always respect your wishes in this regard. If you have specific preferences regarding the use of images or videos featuring you, please let us know, and we will honor your request accordingly. Your comfort and peace of mind are of utmost importance to us.

Confidentiality: Participants attending the Graceful Balance Retreat agree to maintain the confidentiality of all personal information, experiences, and shared stories. What is shared during the retreat should remain within the group, respecting the privacy and trust of fellow participants.

Physical Ability: Participants acknowledge that they are physically capable of engaging in daily activities, which may include yoga, bodyweight exercises, and hiking. This also includes the ability to access bunk beds, involving climbing and descending from top bunks.

Sleep-Related Issues: Participants confirm that they do not experience any sleep-related issues, including but not limited to sleepwalking, loud snoring, insomnia, or any other disturbances that may disrupt the overall comfort and well-being of the group.

Skylight Bunk Beds: Participants understand that the assignment of skylight bunk beds is on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be allocated in the order of registration. If you have a preference for not having a top bunk, please inform us during the registration process.

Medical and Fitness Information: The Client is required to inform Graceful Balance on the registration form of any medical conditions, pregnancy, disabilities, or any other mental or physical conditions that may affect their fitness to participate in the retreat. This includes information about any medications currently being taken. Failure to provide this information may result in the Client being refused participation in certain activities during the retreat, at the Client's own expense. Some retreat activities may not be suitable for Clients due to age, mobility, disability, pregnancy, or physical and mental conditions. Please contact us in advance if you have any concerns in this regard.

Accuracy of Fitness Level and Medical Conditions: Participants are urged to be accurate and honest regarding their fitness level and medical conditions for their own safety.

Special Requests: Graceful Balance will make every effort to accommodate special requests, including dietary restrictions and physical limitations. However, please be aware that these requests may not always be feasible, depending on the specific retreat. Graceful Balance reserves the right to refuse participation to Clients with certain conditions, and such requests do not form part of the contractual agreement.

Medical Insurance: All Clients are required to carry medical insurance. Medical facilities and standards may vary from country to country. While Graceful Balance will make every effort to ensure Clients receive proper medical care when needed, no representations or warranties are provided regarding the standard of such treatment.

In order to facilitate the smooth operation of our retreats, Graceful Balance may require the use of personal information provided by Clients, such as names, addresses, special needs, health conditions, dietary requirements, and other relevant details. This information may also be shared with other outfitters, guides, or suppliers who play a crucial role in the execution of the retreat. Rest assured that Graceful Balance will implement appropriate security measures to safeguard this personal data and will only share data that is relevant to the outfitters or suppliers responsible for the retreat.

By completing the Graceful Balance Retreat Booking Form, Clients provide their consent for the necessary transfer and use of this information. We take your data privacy seriously and are committed to ensuring the protection and security of your personal information throughout the retreat experience.

Graceful Balance reserves the right to update and/or alter these terms and conditions at any time. It is the responsibility of the Client to stay informed and familiar with the latest terms and conditions. The most recent and up-to-date terms and conditions may be accessed on the Graceful Balance website. Your continued engagement with Graceful Balance retreats implies your acknowledgment and acceptance of any updates or changes to these terms and conditions. Your satisfaction and understanding are paramount, and we strive to maintain transparency and clarity in our policies.

By registering for a Graceful Balance Retreat, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Your safety, comfort, and enjoyment are of utmost importance to us, and these terms are established to ensure a positive and enriching retreat experience for all participants.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at